Making Headlines: Speech & Debate

by Alessandra Colantoni '27

“In my summary, Speech and Debate is a creative community that closely compares to the theater,” Kali Hilfiger ‘26 says when asked about the sport that she has participated in since eighth grade.

Coached by Mr. Derf Maitland, one of the English teachers here at Delone, as well as Mrs. Janet, the members of the speech and debate team work hard each week to perfect and perform what are hoped to be award-winning pieces at one of the many competitions attended throughout the season.

Photo courtesy of Derf Maitland 

According to Riley Slee ‘24, “We practice in either the library or Mr. Maitland’s room twice a week for about two hours each meeting”.

During the duration of these practices, students in the speech category practice their self-chosen pieces from a category of their choice. Category topics include the following: humorous interpretation, dramatic interpretation, poetry, duos, etc. 

They then head off to a competition, where their pieces are presented in front of judges. These competitions are held at other schools, and some venues require the team to stay overnight in a hotel.

Once presented, entries are scored on a multitude of criteria. For the speech side of things, participants are judged on categories such as one's ability to efficiently and effectively deliver their piece in front of an audience. Judges also typically look for engagement (eye contact, body movement, diction, etc.) within the piece.

Both individuals and schools as a team are awarded. As an individual competitor, awards are given based on score and skill, with first, second, and third place being the most notable. Depending on the size of the competition and number of entries, more places can be handed out, but there is no set number. 

Some notable awards given to Delone’s team this year include: Kali Hilfiger with 1st and 2nd place in Humorous Interpretation, Dante Tapia Pujals with 1st and 2nd in Duo Interpretation and 1st in Duo Impromptu, and Riley Slee with 2nd place in the PHSSL State Championship for Poetry Interpretation.

Teams can also win sweepstake awards, which are given to the team with the highest number of combined speaker points that team members have earned during the duration of the competition. 

The debate side of things is a little different. As said by Aiden Tringali ‘27, “Before the round even starts, around 30 minutes before, you are assigned your side (affirmative or negative), who you will be debating, what room and fight you are in, and who is judging”. 

Each side is given four minutes to prep and practice for the upcoming round however they choose. Rounds can range anywhere from 40-45 minutes. 

These rounds consist of debates with two people against each other. The goal of the affirmative side is to convince the judges that their ideals support the resolution of the conflict in question, The goal of the negative side is to prove why said resolution is unfavorable due to their beliefs. 

For this category, awards are given to the winners of the debates. For this season, Aiden Tringali has won the title of the 2024 Blue Maroon & White Novice LD champion.

Although small, the Speech and Debate department is a great way to meet new people and try something new. It is very helpful if you are interested in acting or want to improve your public speaking and argumentation skills. It is a great way to get involved in the Delone community, learn something new, and create a bond with the team.


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