Faithful Opportunities
by Kelsey Myers
Campus ministry is a vital part of the foundation of Delone.
Campus ministry provides a way for students to explore their faith and
socialize with like-minded people. There are many ways to be involved in campus
ministry. Examples include the yearly pilgrimage, March for Life, Respect Life
Club, Adoration on Fridays, Mass on Thursdays, Peer Ministry, and Kairos.
Mrs. Phenicie, the Spiritual Life Director, has been able to “give
so many more opportunities for students to grow in their faith, both inside and
outside of the school building,” during her nine years at Delone. The newest
addition to campus ministry is the Spiritual Life Center across the chapel that
is open to all students.
Phenicie was inspired to become a Spiritual Life Director in high
school; she studied Theology at Mount St. Mary’s where she was able to
concentrate in religious education and youth ministry.

She has listened to her calling and has accomplished great things
for Delone Catholic. Phenicie says the biggest challenge of being a spiritual
life director is “how countercultural the faith has become.” Many teens have
fallen to the pressure society creates and find it difficult to live a
Christian life. Phenicie hopes to make teens aware of their worth and the
importance of strong relationship with Christ.
Fr. Fischer, the Chaplain at Delone Catholic, is also an integral
part of the success of campus ministry.
“I do enjoy being a chaplain. It is
a change of pace from my other days of
parish ministry, and it gives me a chance to get to know and connect with many
students, a demographic I do not normally see as often,” state Fr. Fischer.
There are many rewards and challenges that
accompany being a chaplain for high schoolers. Rewards include the ability to
see God at work in young people’s lives and be an “instrument in God’s work in
others,” said Fischer. The challenges of being a chaplain in a high school are
that teens are facing many challenges, such as anxiety, stressors, and a time
of transition. Fr. Fischer is always open to answering questions or addressing
There are many ways to become involved in campus
ministry. Margaret Grenchik, a senior, wass involved in peer ministry, went on the
pilgrimage to the National Shrine in Washington, D.C., attended Kairos, and was on the Kairos core team.
“Campus ministry has allowed me to always make
time for God and others through prayer and service,” explained Grenchik.
Elliott Alster, also a senior, is in peer
ministry, Respect Life Club, attended the pilgrimages, and went to Kairos.
“Campus Ministry provides an environment of
like-minded and supportive people,” noted Alster. “I can always rely on the
people in Campus Ministry to help me through a rough time in my faith or in my
personal life.”
“My advice for both people is the same: be persistent in your
prayer. I cannot emphasize enough how important I have found that daily prayer
is for my faith, my relationship with God, and my mental well-being.” Phenicie
strongly encourages daily prayer and stated, “God wants our prayer and
conversation, and that communication is a great place to start.”
“Give thanks to God for this gift, and never take it for granted.
Something your faith should always give you is growth, and that growth is never
finished. Be open to God stretching your comfort zone, and always be ready to
learn more about your faith from a variety of sources,” explained Fr. Fischer.
He added that “for those who are struggling [with your faith] you
are in good company. If you read many passages in the Bible, from Jeremiah to
Ecclesiastes, Job to the Psalms and Saint Paul, there are so many people in our
religious history who have struggled and had trials in faith. God does the best
work in us when we are in darkness. Many saints have experienced this also.
Hang in there, and engage others about faith.”
Campus ministry is such an important part of the Delone Catholic
community provides an opportunity to be actively involved in the Catholic
faith. If debating on whether or not to join Campus Ministry, try it out
because there many people in the ministry who will provide support.