Covid and the Classroom: Faculty Q & A

1. What has been the most challenging aspect of distance learning for you?

C.Sneeringer: "I can't believe how much I miss having to occasionally shush my students!  And teaching with no one in the room feels like I am talking to myself - it is SO much better to have students present so that you can see the excitement when they understand and (on RARE occasions) the confusion when they don't understand something I've said."

J. Gadow: "Not being able to do hands-on science together with the students"

K. Hammar: "The amount of time that it takes to create materials each day."

J. Fuhrman: "I miss the sounds of the school - lockers opening and closing, footsteps in the hallway, the bells and of course, the voices of my students and colleagues! Teaching from home is just so much quieter than teaching at school."

J. Reed: "Staying organized and trying to find a work/home balance."

R. Pinkos: "Wow there have been many challenges for me.  From something like trying to flip a student's work because they sent it to me upside down and backwards to figuring out how to do things on the computer.  I would say the hardest though is helping students to understand something that they are having difficulty with through emails or even google meets.  I found it so frustrating for myself and the students.  We both knew that if we were in the classroom working on the board or at a desk it would have taken a shorter time."

2. What has been the most rewarding aspect of distance learning for you?

C. Sneeringer: "I have learned how to use Google Meets and how to make videos.  Teachers are continual learners, and I'd say we ALL learned a lot over the last two months!"

J. Gadow: "Having more one-on-one discussions with the students."

K. Hammar: "I have gotten great feedback from students.  Most seem to be enjoying the videos that I have been posting."

J. Fuhrman:  "I love seeing the efforts that my students are putting into learning and seeing how their knowledge and skills continue to develop. It's also been rewarding to see some students who struggled in traditional school thrive with this format."

J. Reed: "The times when students come in to Google Meets - we have had some fun with some games, etc.!"

R. Pinkos: "I would say that the most rewarding has been all the new skills I have had to learn.  Before when something came up that could be done online I would put it aside and think I will get to it when I get to it.  With distance learning, I had no choice and I had to learn it quickly in order to keep my students learning."

3. Despite the challenging circumstances, can you share a particular moment in the past few months that will be memorable for you in a positive way?

C. Sneeringer: "Despite the challenging circumstances, can you share a particular moment in the past few months that will be memorable for you in a positive way?  A particular moment does not come to mind, but I am so proud of our students AND our faculty and administration; there has been an amazing effort on all parts to keep learning.  Every time that a student chose to join our Google Meet was memorable and much appreciated.  I am so thankful and blessed to be part of the Delone Catholic community.  Thank you to all of my students and to all of the members of the faculty and administration!"

K. Hammar: "I have enjoyed answering student questions by video."

J. Fuhrman:  "I have really enjoyed seeing the answers my students give to my daily attendance questions - especially the "change my mind" questions I have asked. Our students can be quite creative and persuasive."

R. Pinkos: "I would say that the feeling of accomplishment that I got whenever I managed to conquer a skill on the computer that I didn't know how to do before. All in all the experience has been an interesting and positive one.  The first week was really rough and I must admit I was ready to quit.  During the second week I was able to accomplish various things and it has gotten a little easier with each passing week.  I realized that though I am a classroom teacher,  I could do distance learning.  I still don't feel like I am being too successful doing the distance learning but I am working through it.  I guess you can say I no longer dread doing things on  the computer as much as I used too.  I really miss seeing the students.  I didn't realize how much I missed them until I saw a group of seniors and got to talk to them a little.  I went back to my car and just broke down."


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