Creating Student Connections During COVID
By Shalee Clabaugh, ’21
I’m proud to say that I served as a part of the Student Council since my Freshman year, and am currently the Executive Student Council President. Being a part of upholding Delone traditions, as well as creating new memories is an experience I am so appreciative to have shared in and been a part of.
I had so many ideas and aspirations embarking on my Senior year. Unfortunately, those plans were derailed with the COVID-19 pandemic. As we all know too well, in life there are those unexpected bumps along the way that we must learn to adapt and overcome.
It was important to all of us on Student Council to find ways to still incorporate those treasured traditions, as well as maintain some level of normalcy and excitement within the Delone Community.
"I think this year is a reflection on resilience. We could not do our traditional activities, but we adjusted and adapted to do what we could," explained Mrs. Dianne Scanlon, co-moderator of Student Council.
There were many challenges in the planning of almost every activity Student Council spearheads and hosts throughout the school year.
Spirit week and Homecoming is one of the most anticipated events of the year that students and faculty look forward to. The cancellation of the dance was disheartening to all to say the least. We were not going to allow it to deter our school spirit.
The Student Council collectively came up with solutions within the COVID-19 guidelines and were still able to spread Delone spirit. Upholding tradition, we decorated the hallways, incorporated theme days every day of the week and recognized our student athletes.
The highlight of Spirit week was a socially distanced pep rally celebrating our Homecoming court.
Sophomore Student Council Officers decorate for Spirit Week. |
"I believe we are all so grateful for the hard work of so many that enabled us to be in school all year. We will be back in 2021, in the words of Daft Punk, Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger," added Mrs. Scanlon
Most recently we partnered with Half Pint Creamery, a local favorite and provided the entire Delone body with a yummy treat!
As the close of another school year approaches, I reflect on my final days here at Delone. I’m proud to have been a part of the Student Council and all that we still were able to accomplish during these challenging times.