Keeping the Faith During the Pandemic

 By Ruby Keeney, ’21

The sophomore retreat was led virtually by 
NET Ministries.
Among the difficult times this year, the students here at Delone have come to find the light that could have been lost. We have all strived to work together to unite our community with COVID-19 added into the mix. 

As a member of Peer Ministry, we have remained connected with our spiritual grounds that were instilled in us from the moment we began our education here at Delone Catholic.

We came together to create an atmosphere that would continue the moral integrity of our faith even through the struggles presented to the world. We remain proactive in each of our daily activities of encouraging other students to perform good acts and become “Doers of the Word”. 

“I love to serve our students in relational ministry, so the restrictions of the pandemic have created an added challenge in our ability to gather together,” explained Mrs. Kate Phenicie, Spiritual Life Director. “ I, as well as the students and teachers, really miss getting together as a school community to worship at Mass.”

Although we were restricted on the activities we could produce, Peer Ministry has united to organize the Angel Tree project. 

A fellow peer minister found that this project was “an opportunity that allowed us to think beyond ourselves and help the community.” 

We worked together to encourage the students at Delone to participate in this donation event so children were granted happiness during the holidays. We wanted them to know that they were being thought of in a time when there was no hope for some individuals. 

Peer Ministry focuses on helping others and bringing our faith to life. 

This separation has made times when we can gather for prayer, worship, or fellowship all the sweeter, even though on a smaller scale,” added Mrs. Phenicie.

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