Virtual Education: My Highschool Experience

 By Veronica Marchak, ’22

Mrs. Julia Fuhrman, Social Studies Department Chairperson, teaches
her class concurrently with both virtual and in-person learners. 

Life is full of surprises, some of which are pleasant and others not so much. The COVID-19 pandemic presented challenges to people world-wide, one being effective virtual learning. “The new normal” is a phrase that many have applied while handling the pandemic and, for me, virtual learning became my new normal. 

I am glad that, during these uncertain times, Delone Catholic presented its students with the option to attend school in-person or virtually, keeping in mind a student’s personal and familial circumstances. After waving the pros and cons, I made the decision to complete the 2020-2021 school year virtually. 

Virtual learning was a very interesting and rich experience that provided me with various new discoveries, such as improving my self-discipline through managing my homework, schedule and extracurriculars. 

This independence with my schoolwork has allowed me to become more responsible, accountable, and self-sufficient - a good lesson to become more prepared for college. By creating a professional setting in my room, I was able to transform my environment into a in-home classroom, something that was important to me and my virtual learning process. 

My teachers helped establish a connection with the classroom through inclusive activities with the in-person students, constant communication for assignments and lessons, as well as help if it was needed. 

However, what I missed the most about in-person learning was my connection with my teachers and classmates. Virtual-learning, while it had its limitations, was a valuable experience and something I cherish as this year comes to a close. 

The efforts of the faculty and staff of Delone Catholic enabled me to be confident about my work this year and allowed me to succeed in a new learning environment. I am excited to continue my learning as a senior next year and believe that my experiences have better prepared me to handle my education beyond high school. 

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