International Students Bring Welcomed Cultural Connections

by Kaleb Powell '23

With the closing of the first quarter and the start of the second, Delone Catholic would welcome its new foreign exchange students, including Senior Melany Rodriguez.  

Melany came to the United States from Guatemala and stayed at Delone Catholic for 2 months; although this may seem like a short visit, this isn’t her first time in the United States, “I have had the opportunity to be here several times.”

The arrival of Foreign Exchange students is a very important part of schools everywhere but especially for Delone Catholic because the program gives students the opportunity to experience other cultures.

Through the programs that bring foreign exchange students to U.S. schools, students are able to see the beauty and uniqueness of other cultures and gain a deeper appreciation for them. None of this could be accomplished without the aid of International Student Coordinator, Dr. Barbara Wert. 

With this title, Dr. Wert, works with international student organizations that bring the foreign exchange students to the United States. Once they arrive, Dr. Wert, coordinates all of the immigration paperwork and then helps place them with a host family. 

When asked about why she does this job, her response was, “I took on the project because I had a desire to help us grow with connections to international students… and for our students to have a feel for what it’s like to experience other cultures.”

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