Alumni Spotlight: The Bittersweet Lasts of Senior Year

By Maria Elser, ’18

It feels like only a week ago, I was gallivanting the halls of Delone Catholic, sitting in Mrs. Phenicie’s office, or in Ms. Noel’s classroom, and asking desperately for advice on which college to choose. But now – just like that – I am a graduating senior at Mount St. Mary’s University in Emmitsburg, MD. The Mount community has shaped me in ways I never could have anticipated – especially throughout my senior year, this bittersweet year of lasts.

Amidst this horrific pandemic, my senior year has certainly looked different than most. Fortunately, the Mount has worked tirelessly to keep us all on campus with in-person or hybrid classes. 

While my graduating class has missed out on some key events such as Senior Formal, Ott’s nights, and Piano Bar, we have still had the pleasure of living in community together on our beautiful campus. In this semester alone, I have experienced a series of “lasts” that are so representative of my time here at the Mount.

In February, Emmitsburg was hit with a number of winter storms, piling the snow up to two feet high. As is tradition here at the Mount, my roommates and I grabbed trays from the cafeteria and trudged up the hill by our Chapel of the Immaculate Conception. 

With a mix of both adrenaline and nostalgia, we took turns launching ourselves down the hill, using the cafeteria trays as sleds for one final time. Like children, we made angels in the snow and hurled snowballs in every direction. From now on – whenever I see snowfall – I will think of those blissful, cold days with my Mount friends.

Since the Spring of my freshman year, I have also been a part of the Women’s Club Volleyball team. What I have found throughout my four years, though, is that this group of girls is not only my team, but my family. Within and outside of practices, I have formed deep and authentic friendships with my teammates. 

We have shared in extreme struggles, and immense joys. We have laughed and grown together, and I know that I can call on them for anything. Just a few weeks ago, I had my very last volleyball practice. My teammates organized a tear-filled senior night, celebrating the six of us who are graduating. I felt so deeply appreciated, celebrated, and loved. I will never forget the family I formed right here on the volleyball courts.

Several days ago, I lead my very last Mount Bible Study with a group of seven beautiful and virtuous women. I began leading this study in the Spring of my sophomore year, wanting to draw others into a deeper relationship with Christ. During our weekly time together, we would read scripture and foster meaningful conversation. 

We have vulnerably shared our life experiences, spiritual struggles, and moments of victory. I have watched these girls dive deeper into their faith, and love Christ with their unique hearts. As we held our last study together, countless memories resurfaced, and reminded me that my experience at the Mount would not have been the same without these girls. I will be forever grateful for their witness of true discipleship.

Having experienced all of these beautiful “lasts,” I know that it is soon time to move forward. On Saturday, May 15th, I will graduate from Mount St. Mary’s University with a degree in English and a triple minor in Education, Theology, and Creative Writing.

 I have been formed academically, socially, emotionally, and mentally throughout my time here, and I am now ready for the next season of life, come what may. After graduation, I am entering PACE, a two-year Graduate Program at the University of Portland, where I will earn my Master of Arts in Teaching during the summers. 

During the school year, I will get hands-on teaching experience as I manage my own classroom at a small Catholic school in Honolulu, Hawaii. This is an opportunity beyond anything I could have imagined or anticipated, but I am overjoyed to be entering this exciting season in life.

Parting ways with my friends will be undoubtedly painful, as the Mount has become home to all of us. Yet, we are thrilled and eager to start this next chapter. It is totally surreal to be in your early twenties. Some friends are going onto grad school or abroad. Some friends are diving straight into the workforce. Other friends are getting married and starting families. 

We are all headed in vastly different directions, but one thing remains the same: the Mount has left an imprint on each one of us, and we will always treasure our mountain home.

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