
Showing posts from May, 2021

Sweet Sounds During Difficult Times

  By Austin Stiles, ’21 When the Coronavirus reached the United States, life changed for both musicians and athletes. Virtual learning became a new normal for every student, and for musicians, recording software became especially important.  At the end of the 2019-2020 school year, music students used a program called Soundtrap to record their musical pieces that would have been performed in the spring concert. When the summer arrived, focus was shifted towards the current school year and how music practices and performances would be held.  Instrumental students practice socially distanced and wearing  specialized masks.  The determined plan consisted of temperature and symptom checks before every practice held outside of school hours, something that is still happening with current practices, mask requirements for students during rehearsals, and requiring special playing masks and bell covers for Instrumental Music students. For Vocal Music students, masks are r...

Virtual Education: My Highschool Experience

  By Veronica Marchak, ’22 Mrs. Julia Fuhrman, Social Studies Department Chairperson, teaches her class concurrently with both virtual and in-person learners.  Life is full of surprises, some of which are pleasant and others not so much. The COVID-19 pandemic presented challenges to people world-wide, one being effective virtual learning. “The new normal” is a phrase that many have applied while handling the pandemic and, for me, virtual learning became my new normal.  I am glad that, during these uncertain times, Delone Catholic presented its students with the option to attend school in-person or virtually, keeping in mind a student’s personal and familial circumstances. After waving the pros and cons, I made the decision to complete the 2020-2021 school year virtually.  Virtual learning was a very interesting and rich experience that provided me with various new discoveries, such as improving my self-discipline through managing my homework, schedule and extracurric...

Keeping the Faith During the Pandemic

  By Ruby Keeney, ’21 The sophomore retreat was led virtually by  NET Ministries. Among the difficult times this year, the students here at Delone have come to find the light that could have been lost. We have all strived to work together to unite our community with COVID-19 added into the mix.  As a member of Peer Ministry, we have remained connected with our spiritual grounds that were instilled in us from the moment we began our education here at Delone Catholic. We came together to create an atmosphere that would continue the moral integrity of our faith even through the struggles presented to the world. We remain proactive in each of our daily activities of encouraging other students to perform good acts and become “Doers of the Word”.  “I love to serve our students in relational ministry, so the restrictions of the pandemic have created an added challenge in our ability to gather together,” explained Mrs. Kate Phenicie, Spiritual Life Director. “ I, as well as ...

Alumni Spotlight: The Bittersweet Lasts of Senior Year

By Maria Elser, ’18 It feels like only a week ago, I was gallivanting the halls of Delone Catholic, sitting in Mrs. Phenicie’s office, or in Ms. Noel’s classroom, and asking desperately for advice on which college to choose. But now – just like that – I am a graduating senior at Mount St. Mary’s University in Emmitsburg, MD. The Mount community has shaped me in ways I never could have anticipated – especially throughout my senior year, this bittersweet year of lasts. Amidst this horrific pandemic, my senior year has certainly looked different than most. Fortunately, the Mount has worked tirelessly to keep us all on campus with in-person or hybrid classes.  While my graduating class has missed out on some key events such as Senior Formal, Ott’s nights, and Piano Bar, we have still had the pleasure of living in community together on our beautiful campus. In this semester alone, I have experienced a series of “lasts” that are so representative of my time here at the Mount. In February...

DCHS Hall of Honor Inductee: From the Archives

Robert B. Kenworthy ’54 "was a three-year sports editor  of   Delonews , the junior class and student council president and the member  of  his class voted most likely to succeed."  These excerpts have been pulled from 1953 and 1954 issues of Delonews.    

Alumni Spotlight: Zoom-ing Through College: taking classes during the COVID-19 pandemic

By Kendall Kohler, ’18 It’s hard to believe that only four years ago I was finishing up my time at Delone Catholic High School. I was still packing my textbooks into a thin, blue locker, seeing the people I grew up with every day, but above all, attending in -person classes. I knew my life would soon change, but what I did not know was how different things would be four years later.  I will be graduating from the University of Pittsburgh in May with a Bachelor of Science in biological sciences.  The first three years at Pitt were the typical college experience, attending classes through the week, and spending the weekends exploring the city with friends. However, the last year and a half have been anything but normal.  When COVID-19 cases in the United States first began to rise in March 2020, I was back home for spring break. Pitt announced that classes would be postponed for another week, but I was certain they would return soon enough. Although I did move back into my ...

Athletes Push Forward

  By Kaitlyn Schwarz, ’24  This year, unlike any other, was crazy. I moved, I transferred schools, and I'm still currently living through a global pandemic.  In March of 2020, we were all quarantined and stuck in our houses for months on end. It felt lonely, like we had nowhere else to go, until we came back to school in August, more like normal. We came to school, learned our lessons, and always wore our masks. That was definitely the weirdest part about this year, not seeing everyone’s faces like I had been used to seeing.  Then, it was time to start competing in  fall sports. Fall sports seemed to go very smoothly, practices were as scheduled, and lucky enough for me, there were little to no changes in volleyball because there was no mask requirement while playing.  Although playing sports again was awkward, it was good to be back playing.. Then, winter sports rolled around and the COVID cases began to rise. We had a few complications that should be rec...

Creating Student Connections During COVID

  By Shalee Clabaugh, ’21 I’m proud to say that I served as a part of the Student Council since my Freshman year, and am currently the Executive Student Council President. Being a part of upholding Delone traditions, as well as creating new memories is an experience I am so appreciative to have shared in and been a part of.  I had so many ideas and aspirations embarking on my Senior year. Unfortunately,  those plans were derailed with the COVID-19 pandemic. As we all know too well, in life there are those unexpected bumps along the way that we must learn to adapt and overcome.  It was important to all of us on Student Council to find ways to still incorporate those treasured traditions,  as well as maintain some level of normalcy and excitement within the Delone Community.  "I think this year is a reflection on resilience. We could not do our traditional activities, but we adjusted and adapted to do what we could," explained Mrs. Dianne Scanlon, co-mod...